Anne Silberzahn is a qualified vet. She keeps from her first profession the taste for nature and the things of the living, which she applies in the conduct of her vines and in her work at the cellar.
Today the vineyard consists of 8.5 hectares of a single tenant, on well exposed hillsides. A soil at the same time very stony and clayey brings to the vines the necessary warmth for the perfect maturation of the grapes, as well as sufficient water reserves to support the long dry summers of the Mediterranean fringe.
- All interventions are reasoned to limit the impact on the environment, on man and on wine.
- Each practice is registered for total transparency towards the consumer: it is traceability.
Elle a adopté la charte “Terra Vitis” qui pour elle représente le mieux une démarche moderne de respect de l’environnement et de garantie de la qualité.
Cette exigence dans la démarche Terra Vitis permet une reconnaissance par le Ministère de l’Agriculture depuis 1998 et une certification HVE (Haute Valeur Environnementale) depuis 2012.